Important Payroll Information re PPP and Payroll reporting

COVID-19 Information Tab
After logging into the payroll portal, you have a new tab designated just for COVID-19 payroll related information. This tab will is located in the upper left as shown below.

COVID-19 Family First Payroll Codes
To be proactive, we will be logging in to set up the Family First Payroll codes in case you need them on your behalf. If you happen log in before we get a chance to add them on your behalf, you may see a notice to set them up as shown below.

Family First Payroll Codes
The Family First Payroll codes and their explanations can be accessed from the COVID-19 Information tab on the main screen. Below is a list of the codes. If you review them online, you can click on each one to see a description.

Below are just a small sample of what is available online. Given the fluid nature of all this, we are just sharing a screen shot and recommend you review the information for each of these codes in the payroll portal.
Payroll Entry
If you are going to be using any of these codes, they will show up in your payroll entry screen as new columns as shown below.

CARES SBA-PPP Loan Information
If you are going to be applying for the CARES SBA-PPP Loan, there is a new report under the reports section to help provide you with the information your lender will need to complete the application. Below is a sample of where to access the report. Your options may vary, but the report title should be the same: CARES SBA-PPP: Monthly Payroll Cost

Stay Healthy
We are doing our best to help you with the information and resources you need during these challenging times. If you have any questions, please let us know. Given the most recent directives from our Governor, if you don’t reach us on our main telephone number, please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.