Sometimes, payroll services alone just isn't enough.
We understand there ins’t a one size fits all solution for business when it comes to providing payroll and related solutions. We specialize in working with small businesses to help this with these needs. Since payroll is our specialty, we are the first to recognize when payroll only solutions just isn’t enough. When our customers need more, we help them find a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) that is right for them.
We have a strategic partnership with Bridgely Key Options to help our customers with this transition to using a PEO. Bridgely Key Options are experts with over 30 years experience in the PEO industry.
Who is Bridgely Key Options?
Bridgely Key Options, LLC was founded in 2013 by Pete Britton and Dennis Cooley. They have been in the PEO industry since the 1980’s and saw an opportunity in the market place to put their experience and relationships to use that would assist all phases of the PEO service. By setting up an all lines insurance agency, they were able to round out the product offering to the end use customers as well as PEO brokers. This arrangement has made it possible to always have a “yes” answer to a product or service needed. It is that ability to say yes that has enabled BKO to become one of the largest PEO brokers in the state of Florida.
After completing our transition from working inside PEO’s and establishing ourselves as a PEO Broker Agency, we set out to set up new relationships and strengthen existing ones. We felt it was important to reinforce our commitment to integrity and demonstrate our ability to use our experience to improve the PEO broker process.
We also saw the desire for brokers and insurance agents to receive additional support and services that help them compete with firms of all sizes. It’s the same principle as the PEO offering – by pooling resources and expertise in a broker agency, a broker can gain the efficiencies and benefits of a focused PEO sales back office while still working independently.
Exclusive relationships are beneficial for many reasons. By outsourcing the PEO Broker/Agent Sales to a firm that specializes in those services, the PEO only has to manage one relationship. This way it can ensure it’s message is relayed properly and services represented accurately, and new offerings conveyed timely.
The managing agency gets to create and deliver economies of scale for commission delivery, greater market insight, and focused technologies to assist the PEO market space that may not otherwise be developed. They also get to use their efforts as a singular voice to help negotiate greater vender relationships and options to pass on to its brokers and agents.